AmigaOS3.5 (627/967)

Date:18 May 2000 at 16:58:01
Subject:Re: Virus Killers

--- In, "Wroldsen, Steve - Highways"
<steve.wroldsen@h...> wrote:
> After seeing a few messages regarding virii I became quite
concerned that I
> have never had a virus killer installed on my Amiga after many
years of use.
> Some geezer mentioned VT which I believe is now outdated. What
virus killer
> should I be using? Any recommendations out there?

The people developing and coordinating the main amiga anti-virus
effort is Virus Help Denmark at and you can join
their egroup/onelist at vht-dk the latest versions of virus killers
are available from the web site and from their egroup. Also the
egroup has the latest details on all new viruses that are detected.
My favorite is Virus Z, but VirusCheckerII is just as good.


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